Learn the Secrets To Digital Marketing

Growth-Hacking Course Modules

  • 1


    • 1. Introduction , Meet your Growth Hacker, Taylor Ryan.

    • 2. What is Growth hacking

    • 3. Marketing systems- Marketing in a bigger picture

  • 2


    • 4. Prioritizations - The Pareto principle

    • 5. KPI's

    • 6. Vanity Metrics vs Kpis

  • 3

    Marketing funnels

    • 7. Marketing funnels

    • 8. Buyer persona

    • 9. Ideal Customer Persona

  • 4

    Your Brand

    • 10. Branding: Logo, Colours, it all will change.

    • 11. Don't fall in love with your brand, position, everything will change.

    • 12. Tone

  • 5

    Feature List and USP

    • 13. Feature list

    • 14. USP Exercise

  • 6

    Competitor Insights

    • 15. Competitor insight

    • 16. Competitors and their ads

    • 17. Understand your competitors

    • 18. Competitor discovery

    • 19. Quick analysis Wunderman.dk

    • 20. Competitors referring domains example

    • 21. Is organic reach on social media dead?

  • 7

    Foundational hacks

    • 22. Fundamental hacks -Listing sites hack

    • 23. The company info template for backlink building hack

    • 24. Backlinks master list: How to make one

  • 8


    • 25. Awards, reviews testimonials- Is it worth it?

  • 9

    Process Driven Approach

    • 26. Building a tools list + Budget

    • 27. Task Sheet + include templates

    • 28. Building process

    • 29. What if you don’t do this

  • 10

    Internal communication

    • 30. Communication, how to work with your team

    • 31. Ideas + share the idea sheet

  • 11


    • 32. SEO

    • 33. Duplicate content with sideliner + inspect

    • 34. Ranking factors in depth

    • 35. Tools for quick wins

    • 36. Case study example for 301 do it right. Artland case

    • 37. How to build keyword list

    • 38. Reddit Buzz sumo and Quora for Growth hacking

    • 39. Updating old blog posts

  • 12

    Why good content always win

    • 40. Why good content always win

    • 41. Skyscraper technique by Brian Dean

    • 42. Skyscraper technique 2.0

    • 43. SEO 2.0 - Intent

    • 44. How long should be my content?

    • 45. Listicles made for tripwire content

    • 46. Make better titles

    • 47. Great tools for cheap! App sumo life time deals

    • 48. Mixing content

    • 49. Blogger guidlines

  • 13

    Resource section

    • 50. Resource sections with great examples.

  • 14


    • 51. Amplification

    • 52. Messaging for outreach

    • 53. 3d party articles

    • 54. Guest Posts

  • 15

    Social media Amplification

    • 55. Social media Amplification

  • 16

    How to create better visual content

    • 56. How to create better visual content

  • 17

    Video Content

    • 57. Video Contetn

    • 58. Outrank your competitors video- Growth hack on video

    • 59. Ai generated content

    • 60. One quick Youtube subscriber hack

    • 61. Posting videos

  • 18

    Social media

    • 62. Social media algorithms and social proof

    • 63. Broetry in Linked in

    • 64. Lempod Tool

    • 65. Advanced growth hack with social media

    • 66. More quick tips on Linked in comments and discussions

    • 67. Facebook ,best bang for your buck

  • 19

    Growth hacking with Google ads

    • 68. Growth hacking with google Ads’s intro

    • 69. Getting started With ads

    • 70. Search ads

    • 71. Display ads

    • 72. Video ads

    • 73. Having structure for your ads

    • 74. CPA , bidding structure

    • 75. Keywords planning

    • 76. Remarketing

    • 77. Display ads on competitors websites

    • 78. Editing Placements

    • 79. Negative keywords

    • 80. Sales force and google ads

  • 20

    Marketing Tech Stack

    • 81. Introducing Marketing tech stack

  • 21


    • 82. Frictionless forms

    • 83. Downloadable blog content

    • 84. Convert from your own blog

    • 85. Push notifications

    • 86. Converting on video

  • 22

    Tech Stack Conversion funnels

    • 87. Tech stack and conversion funnels

    • 88. Pirate metrics

    • 89. Example of marketing tech stack

    • 90. Lead segmentation

    • 91. Mapping the user journey

    • 92. Engage with signups

  • 23

    Conversion Rate optimisation (CRO)

    • 93. Conversion Rate optimisation (CRO)

    • 94. A/B testing

    • 95. Landing page CRO

    • 96. A/B test examples

    • 97. Heat maps

    • 98. Click maps

  • 24

    Referral Marketing

    • 99. CRO and Referral marketing

  • 25

    Building a marketing team

    • 100. Building a marketing team

    • 101. Interns: how to manage

  • 26

    HARO Technique

    • 102. HARO Technique

  • 27

    Email outreach

    • 103. Influencer Marketing

    • 104. Email hacks

    • 105. Quick about GDPR

    • 106. Hack with SDR's

    • 107. Cold outreach

    • 108. Discovery for email outreach

    • 109. Verifying emails

    • 110. Outreach and segmented emails

    • 11. CTA’s

    • 112. Email Templates

    • 113. Signatures, must have

    • 114. Away emails are underused, but they convert

    • 115. Who is writing your email and blog ?

    • 116. Little hack for Gmail users

  • 28

    Extreme Growth hack example

    • 117. Outbound hack advanced level

  • 29

    Ai and Growth hacking

    • 118. Why your blog content is ranking less ?

    • 119. Ai content writer hack

  • 30

    Finale-No Execution no Results

    • 120. Execution matters

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